We know what you’re thinking about shopping for furniture online: “But I need to SIT in it before I buy it.” Yes, while the truest test of comfort is plopping down into a piece of furniture, you can actually do a pretty good job of determining comfort by sitting in furniture you already own and noting specific details.
Shopping for furniture is a lot like shopping for a pair of jeans: What works for your slim, long-legged friend won’t necessarily work for your curvy body (and vice versa). Furniture fit is personal! And that’s why we don’t rate our pieces as more or less comfortable on The Stated Home. One person may like things a little firmer while someone else prefers cushions you can sink into. We’ll help you figure out what your furniture preferences are and then identify pieces that are right for your bottom (and back, and arms, and head).
So let’s get into it! The main factors that contribute to overall furniture comfort are what we call the ABCS Comfort Metrics:
Now it’s your turn.
- Read or watch our videos about the four main comfort factors (just click on each item above to learn more and see our videos).
- Go sit in a piece of comfortable furniture you have (or another piece you think is comfortable at someone else’s house or even a piece of furniture in a store) and pay attention to the factors.
- Determine the dimensions and specifics of that piece of furniture. How deep is the seat? How soft are the cushions? How do you use the arms? What type of back do you like? (Hint: If you do this in a furniture store, most will give you a “tearsheet” for any piece of furniture that will include dimensions.)
- Think about whether any of the factors could change a little bit without affecting your comfort. A little variation in one or two of the factors won’t hugely change the overall feel of the furniture and you might fall in love with the look of a piece that is a little off in one of the areas.
Once you determine your preference in each of these factors, you can tell if a piece you see online will work for you without actually sitting in it. Get started by learning more about cushion fill, seat depth, arm height, and back support and then head over to our shop to find the perfect one for you.
We explain a little more in our Intro to Comfort Metrics Video
Like what you read? Visit thestatedhome.com to shop our collection of made-in-America furnishings.
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