Trying to separate out quality wood furniture from cheaply made junk is as close to finding a needle in a haystack as you’ll get. Two pieces can look practically the same, but one will last a decade while the other will get wobbly within months. You can make it easy on yourself by shopping at a retailer like The Stated Home, which only sells well-made furniture made from real wood. But if you’re shopping somewhere else, here are the things to look for that will ensure you get something that will last:
What is it made out of?
This isn’t just about the wood species (that’s whether it’s made of maple, oak, or pine)–you also need to find out whether the piece is real, solid wood or not. Try to discover the following:
- Wood Material: There’s a big difference between real wood, plywood, and manufactured wood products.
- Domestic vs. Foreign Wood Species: You need to pay attention to where the wood was grown.
- Wood Species: Read up on the pros and cons of different species of woods.
- Reclaimed Wood: Keep these special considerations in mind if you’re shopping for a reclaimed wood piece.
How is it made?
How the wood pieces get put together to create the final piece of furniture determines if the piece will start to wobble or show premature wear and tear. Pay attention to:
- Joinery: How the furniture is constructed is hugely important.
- Veneers: Some are high quality, others will start to peel.
- Finishes: This covers staining and the final coat to protect your wood.
Seek out American-made furniture constructed out of real wood and you won’t be stuck replacing pieces again and again.
Bonus: Ultimate Guide to Wood Furniture Shopping
All you need to know to find a high quality, long-lasting piece of wood furniture in one easy-to-use guide.
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